Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Well I stated Tuesday post last night and finished this morning but somehow I lost it and its floating around out there in cyberspace. Where does all that "space junk"go? Tuesday was kind of different as we slept in finally, somehow I for a moment thought someone had captured Tom the turkey next door as he didn't gobble until after 7:30. I had vision's of a carving of a thick slab of white breast meal with a little gravy, YUMM!!! Oh well!!

After our quiet times and a lite breakfast we headed to the rec. but found after 5 minutes of workout they were going to close the workout room for its monthly cleaning and repairs, so we changed clothes and headed to Sam's Club. There we gassed up and picked up some paper articles for the cabin as well a Boston Butt for smoking next week when Bob and family come. Speaking of Bob's visit those dates have changed from heading up on Sunday night to a later day in the week so we will spend an extra 2 days in Florida and return on Tuesday of next week. We came back to find Amy and Ava at our house so we had lunch together then the girls took off for Target to do some shopping. After the girls got home it was time for Ava's nap some Nancy and I headed back to the rec. for a workout. She did 30 minutes on the treadmill; I did 30 on the elliptical and then a few on the heavy weights. I had a wet shirt in no time.

After the workout I putzed around in the gardens pulling a few weeds etc. before we got ready for company. Nancy was making a Zucchini Pie for dinner with mountain grown squash I brought with us. Dinner was yumm as Carol brought a fresh salad. After eating we just sat around visiting and watching the Ray's versus the Yankee's. The Ray's won, finally after losing big the night before. It was nearly 10 PM when Dan and Carol left so we got ready to call it a day. LATER

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