Thursday, July 30, 2009


Well another morning in this heat and humidity. Sure will be nice to wake up to 50's again and the high in the 70's. After our quiet times and a lite breakfast Nancy headed off to the rec. for her workout and I just piddled around waiting to meet with my pickle ball buddies at 11. I jumped on the bike and headed to the rec. while Nancy once again visited Publix after her workout. I got in 2 good hours of play with 10 other players.

After pickle ball I headed home to grab a quick bite of lunch. It was so darn hot I couldn't work outside so I read for most of the afternoon after Amy and Ava left for Ava's nap around 2:30. Nancy took off for Target to do a little shopping for the grand girls, actually she liked the talking cars she bought for Ava yesterday so she wanted a couple to take to the cabin for when Annsley comes next week. I just took it easy and read until it was time to help with dinner.

Amy,Tyler and Ava came for a pot roast dinner with home made biscuits and a salad. Yumm!! The kids stayed until it was time for Ava's bath. It looked like a big thunder storm was on the way but it seemed to have passed us by. Well there isn't much going on here, LATER

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