Sunday, July 5, 2009


Well I was awakened around 5 AM to the sound of a soft rain beating on the tin roof of the cabin. Wow was that ever a much needed rain as the gardens and yard was beginning to dry up. It wasn't a lot of rain but the sun never shined all day long and there was dampness with fog in the air. Ava was awake early so Nancy and I enjoyed her until Amy and Tyler got up around 7:30. After a lite breakfast of blue berries, Cheerios, toast and fruit we all got ready to head out to Cornerstone was worship.

Ava fell asleep during the worship service and slept the entire time in my arms. She really needed that nap after getting up so early. After church we headed back home as there was a cold rain falling so we just heated up leftovers; spaghetti, brisket, hot dogs. After eating we all took off for a visit to Ms. Helen's house. There we checked out her yard, gardens and Ava checked out the jelly beans bowl. Ava was so cute as she kept saying she wanted to see'um and hold'em and of course Ms. Helen encouraged her to choose different colored beans to eat.

We got home and it stopped misting long enough to take a golf cart ride to the top of the mountains. Ty, Ava and myself took a long ride and stopped off to visit with Joe and Yvonne and then on the way back we stopped and visited another couple, Bertie and Barry. We came back with Ava having her hood on her sweat jacket on as the temps really dropped due to the lack of sunshine.

Eddie and Kimberly came by for a short visit bringing Ava a horse night lite. Ava played with Little John their small dog and of course was generous with her hugs and kisses. Well we are getting ready to eat a frozen pizza as we had a late lunch. LATER

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