Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Well the day started out with dew dripping from the roof top and a coolness in the air. After our quiet times and a lite breakfast I headed out to check the gardens and picked a few green beans, cukes and a squash. The garden is finally starting to produce. I have several small tomatoes starting to ripe. We had another rain this afternoon just after I finished weed eating and mowing. I even had time to mow neighbor Rays yard as well just before the skies opened up.

There wasn't much going on other than yard work except for after supper Ted and myself headed over to the pickle ball court and met up with Michelle, Kallie and Caleb Dalton. This was the first time Michelle and Caleb had ever played the game and they did quite well for the first time. Kallie had played the game in Phys.Ed. so she knew about the game and played well. Nancy came out to play as well. Ted and I wore ourselves out with another game after the girls had to go. Wow we have had 2 good days of play this week.Thanks Ted!!

We came home around 7:30 and it was time to burn trash. LATER

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