Saturday, August 22, 2009

Friday on Saturday Morning

Well the morning started out with overcast skies and eventually cleared off enough to get a load of laundry out on the line after quiet times and a lite breakfast. Once again we were fortunate the 4 legged deer left us alone. The garden is starting to produce a little with a few beans, cuke's, lettuce and squash. The tomato's are slow in ripening but our good friend Joe has plenty coming on and once again he was very generous in seeing we had plenty. I went over this morning and picked a dozen or so along with lots of jalapeno peppers at his place. I stopped off and visited with Odell Wright for awhile. He looks great as well as did Irene and we shared stories for about half an hour. Irene is reading that super book called"Same kind of different as me."Once again this read is one of the best I have ever read and if your a believer it will reinforce identity.

After our hike to the top yesterday we kinda lounged around, read and just took it nice and easy. We once again had a heavy rain storm just before supper. Nancy made a superb zucchini pie as the main course and was that ever delicious. After dinner we cleaned up the dishes and watched the news until it was time to head over to The Dalton's for Sequence. It was a fun evening with Mechelle's parents,Gerald and Kay as well as Kallie, Caleb and Andy. Kay made a great batch of homemade strawberry ice cream which was the best. Well we traded games for the first 4 games then the boys took over and never looked back. Actually we tried to lose a couple games just to keep the girls interested but once again we were kickin' tail and taking no names. It was a fun night and we played until after 10PM.

Got home and found that once again we had no DSL but some how the problem corrected itself overnight. It rained off and on overnight and a nice soft rain on the tin roof woke us around 7 AM so we rolled over and went back to sleep until after 8. Well better get off here as I have made arrangements for Gerald(neighbor) to go with him to Sparta along with his son, Gabe and a friend to play pickle ball around 1 PM. We are having the old original gang here tonight for Sequence and snacks. Should be another raucous evening. LATER

1 comment:

Jerry said...

I don't know if this post came through..