Thursday, August 6, 2009


Well after the great rain last night the morning air was so thick with a cool wetness it actually felt cold out when we got up this AM. Today was a special day for me as I knew my son, Bobby and family were on their way for a week long visit and that I had made it 63 years upon this earth. After my quiet time and a lite breakfast I ventured out to check on the gardens and flower beds. I did a couple domestic chores for Nancy like putting in a couple loads of laundry, burning the trash and vacuuming the basement. Great way to celebrate your birthday!!! Anyhow I love keeping busy and she never lets me be bored or idle.

We headed out about 10 AM for our mid morning hike and wow was it ever one to remember as fog shrouded most of the mountains ridges and laid in the valleys. We ran into a super nice sales lady with Mountain Dream's Realty by the name of Paula. She had a hand in the purchase of land for our church, Cornerstone Fellowship here in Sparta. She filled us in on a house on top of the mountain that has been virtually vacant since the owner died a few years ago.

We came back and had a lite lunch as we knew we were going out to eat with Helen and her brother Joe early in the evening however; Joe became ill overnight and cancelled. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers. The three us went to the Ship'sWheel and had a good dinner. We all had fish of some kind with huge baked spuds and salad bars. Very tasty and reasonable. THANKS Helen for the treat. Afterwards we had a couple of food stops at Lowe's and Hawk's market as we are getting ready for Bobby, Jill and Annsley but also the Carlson Family on Saturday for some smoked pork butt. Hmmm!!! I haven't heard from neice Kelly and her new friend if they are coming or not on Saturday.

Grand daughter Ava along with Amy and Tyler called to sing Happy Birthday to me, so that was the second time today I was serenaded; one in print(Kristen on FB) and the other live. Thanks again to all who took the time to remember me with cards, gifts and notes on Facebook. It turned cool after dinner as we sat on the back porch and visited with neighbor Jodi until nearly dark. Well we are expecting Bob and Family between 7 and 8 in the AM after an all night drive. Keep them in your prayers and thoughts as well for traveling mercies.

So if I'm a little lax in writing this next week you know the reason. LATER

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