Sunday, August 9, 2009


Well the day started out with temp's in the 60's but eventually climbed into the 80's. One of the warmest day's of the year so far for us here, but not for us for Florida. We headed out to Cornerstone after our quiet times and a lite breakfast for worship. Worship was awesome and it was nearly 1 PM before we got home and ate leftovers from yesterday's picnic. After lunch Annsley took a nap and the rest of us just lounged around and talked, watched T.V. and I watered my lower garden. We took off down the mountain for a hour or so before heading back to play in the cool water of the small creek that runs through Grant and Shirley's property. Annsley took off her shoes and "creeked" for about 45 minutes along with Nancy, Bobby and Jill. I sat under a tree and watched as I have a cut on my heel and its nearly healed so I didn't want to chance it.

We headed back to the cabin after visiting with Russ and Linda at the creek and Bob and Nancy put together a salad for dinner. It was just what we needed as it was still quite warm. After eating it was nearly 7:30 so we decided to take our first hike to the top of the mountain with the kids. It was still warm but nice in the shade of the trees. Bob and I worked up a good sweat, especially for him as he carried Annsley most of the way. We got back as the sun was setting so we cut an ice cold watermelon. The melon could have been a little riper but was cold, tasty and refreshing. Carson and Carter Todd came by on a golf cart and entertained us to nearly dark.
The girls are giving Annsley a bath as its nearly 9:30. Well another big day tomorrow so I will close for now,LATER

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