Saturday, August 8, 2009


Well the day started with me getting out of bed at 6:45 to get the pork butt in the smoker by 7 AM so we could eat by 5:30. Actually I took it off the smoker at 5 and it was perfect for pulling the meat in clumps. I used a combination of hickory and oak wood for the smokey flavor and that combo proved to be an excellent choice. After getting the meat going I did my quiet time and then I heard little Annsley lying in her bed just singing away. Everyone was up and attum' by 8 AM and we all just did our own thing for breakfast which was cereal to grits, nothing fancy or special as we knew a big dinner was coming later in the day.

Annsley kept us entertained with Dora and her talking cars. Afterwards I did a little garden work and picked a couple Zucchini squash, cukes and a couple hand fulls of green beans, finally getting a few veggies. I'm still waiting on tomato's to turn and ripen and when they do we should have plenty to share and give away, but when!!! Grandma and Jill took Annsley on a golf cart ride and Bobby and I got to zero in our 9mm and 40 cal.'s to the tune of about 50 rounds each. It was a beautiful day with temps in the 70's and a slight breeze. The afternoon saw the humidity increase but nowhere near like Florida.

Our once Florida now Clemmon's friends the Carlson Family came for the afternoon and evening. The girls are just sweet and fun to be around and we can hardly believe they have grown up so quickly. We still remember them as these cute little curly headed girls and have lots of pictures as they have been coming to the cabin nearly as long as we have. Corrine the oldest is 17 and she was just a little thing. We managed to play a little badminton to work up an appetite before we ate that superb smoked butt, baked beans, cole slaw and pasta salad Jen made. Yumm what a meal!!! After dinner we played a couple games of Baulderdash(liars game or as Nancy calls it creative thinking) and of course she won both games with some really creative thinking. Oh well!! We had a super dessert of carrot cake with a special ingredient as both Nancy and Jill had their hands in this creation. Man was it the best cake ever. The Carlson's left just about dark for the ride back to Clemmon's. A great time was had by all.

It was a great day with super food, fun and games. Tomorrow is worship at Cornerstone. LATER

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