Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tuesday and Wednesday

Well its been a whirl wind visit but on Tuesday we just let the kids relax and stay out of their car seats plus its was down right hot, but thankfully the humidity was low so it was tolerable. It nearly reached 90 degrees in the shade but the basement was a relief with temps in the cool 60's. After the usual routine of course by usual I mean with Ava awake at anywhere from 6:30 to 7:00 and her wanting her "kids shows" and a snack Nancy fixed a big breakfast of cakes, eggs and ham. We decided since it was so hot we would do some "creeking" in the middle of the afternoon, well that was a hoot and Ava just had a ball. We found salamanders, water bugs and little craw daddy's plus the water was down right refreshing. The springs that feed this little stream of water was cold and about 3-4 inches deep.

We just chilled the rest of the day and Nancy marinated some chicken breasts for supper along with a super garden salad most of which came from my garden as well as some baked sweet 'taters. After we got the kids down we played some cards until nearly 11:30.

Wednesday found us once again with forecast of really high temps for the mountains so we did a hike on the back road which kept us in the trees and shade. I carried Samuel and Tyler carried Ava and she soon became tired. It was a good hike and afterwards we got really to have lunch and get ready to head down off the mountain to the Ragapple Lassie Winery. The temps rose steadily as we headed down the mountain to Boonville. It was 97 when we arrived and once again we were thankful for the a/c. We tried several and settled for a Merlot, Cabernet and a Chardonnay. The wines are estate wines(grown on the premises) and they have a neat Holstein cow facade, actually the winery is named after the owners prize cow.

We stopped off and did a little shopping at Walmart on the way home and Nancy made a superb pasta dish with fresh basil, oregano, dill and Roma 'maters as well as another super fresh salad. After it cooled off a little the kids took golf carts rides and I got a nice campfire going for smores. After the smores I burned tons of trash of which little Samuel contributed greatly. After the kids were in bed we played cards, ate pop corn and sunflower seeds until after 11. Well its been a fun day with Ava and Samuel entertaining us with his smiles and cooing and Ava with her finding and playing with bugs and worms. LATER

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