Friday, July 23, 2010


Well it was a warm morning and turned out to be a HOT day with just a slight breeze and almost no clouds. When we left Galax after doing 10 miles on the New River Trail it was 93. Speaking of the trail it's a really very scenic ride on a bike but we saw evidence of horse back riding as well. We headed over to Galax around 9 AM after our quiet times and a big breakfast of buckwheat cakes, eggs and leftover deer sausage. Last time we did this ride we were out of energy and learned to not only eat big but bring water to drink as well with some snacks. The train track bed is made of small gravel and cinders so it requires pedaling even though its relatively level. The trail follows the Brush Creek that empties into the New River.

We got home around 1:30 and had a lite lunch before catching up on some reading as it was too hot outside to do anything until after sundown. Today was supposed to be one of the hottest days so far this summer and tomorrow looks like the same. At least it cools off at night to make it pleasant enough for sleeping without A/C.

After a lite supper of left over pintos with salsa and green beans we took a golf cart ride to visit neighbors on top of the mountain. We stopped and talked with Norman for nearly 1/2 an hour then stopped by the Ray and Audien's garage and visited with them until nearly dark. It was after 9 when we got back to the cabin. It was still pretty warm so I closed all the windows and opened the basement window and turned the attic fan on and it was like a/c in the cabin with cool air being drawn up the steps and exiting out the attic. Wow who ever talked me into installing this fan knew what they were talking about. It certainly made it nice in the cabin as the basement stays in the 60's even on hot days.

Well not much else is going on except Nancy's dad isn't doing well. He is going to a kidney doctor on Tuesday as he is really retaining fluids and is now having difficulty in sleeping because of the fluid retention. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers. It seems we will be traveling back to Florida sooner than expected. LATER

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