Thursday, July 29, 2010


Well not much has changed here with the hot temps and humidity except for rain showers. There were plenty of them for the day which at times kept the heat away and made it so you could stand to be outside for a little while, that's when I mowed the backyard. The morning was much the same with us actually sleeping in until 7 o'clock. After our quiet times and a bowl of oatmeal with a 'nana, peach and a few black berries in it I decided to get ready and head out to the rec to get an extra hour of workout before I played 2 hours of pickle ball. Yikes am I ever bushed tonight as I can barely keep my eyes open and its not yet 9 o'clock. There were 12 players and we had some really good play with long rallies. Amy and the kids are here now and Sam is asleep and Ava is in the bathtub as Tyler is having his men's Bible study group at his house tonight.

I got back from the rec around 1:15 then read for awhile as the sun dried out the grass so I could mow. It wasn't too bad in the shaded back yard but after about an hour my shirt was wringing wet. Nancy took off to the rec to get her 30 minute workout on the (d)treadmill. She had taken her mother shopping this morning while her brother stayed with her father. He appears to be about the same with still a lot of fluid buildup in his legs and feet. He is scheduled for another doctors appointment on Tuesday and then again on Thursday. Seems Nancy will be driving him now as well as her mother to do their shopping runs.

Well not much else except the Ray's swept the Tigers in a 4 game series and now the Yank's come to town this week end for a series. Lets hope the Ray's can continue to play good ball and get back to their first place position the Yank's now hold. Well better get out of here as it will be a full house tomorrow night with another family dinner. Bob, Jill and Annsley are coming as well along with Nancy's folks and brother and Amy, Tyler and Ava. Should be a fun time with lots of good food. LATER

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