Thursday, July 15, 2010


Well it was a beautiful morning with temps in the 60's and just slightly cloudy with a breeze. After our quiet times I did a garden check while waiting for Nancy to make an old fashion country breakfast of fried eggs, hash browns, bacon and toast. Wow was that ever good eatin' and it held me until 1 PM when I ate a couple peanut butter crackers and finish off the remains of a liter of opened coke. I don't usually drink any sodas but hate to see anything go to waste.

After breakfast I hung a couple loads of laundry and worked in the garden pulling weeds, picking beans and wine berries. Nancy was taking off with Jodi to Sparta so I weed whacked the yard then separated a couple geraniums, repotted a couple marigolds and then transplanted about 50 radish seedlings that were about and inch tall. She got back around 3 then got ready to head out with a hike to the top with Jodi and her 2 boys. I rested until it was time to pick up Gerald and head out to Roaring Gap to meet up with Ted and Craig for some pickle ball. It was a little warm but the play was fast and furious and we had some great points. We each played the best of 3 games with each pardner twice and had some super points. We played for nearly 2 hours before Gerald and I decided we'd had enough and head out with Ted and Craig still playing.

Nancy had made one of her favorite dishes of tuna noodle casserole for diner which fit the situation perfect as I got home long after she had eaten. After eating we worked out in the yard until nearly 9 PM as temp's had dropped back to real comfortable. Well it was a fun busy day for me as well as Nancy got to buddy around with Jodi. They did downtown Sparta and had lunch at the local hospital lunchroom which is open to the public.

Well tomorrow will be a fun day after lunch as I intend on doing some chainsaw work with the 2 large oak trees I cut down last week in the morning. After lunch I'm heading over to pick black berries for jelly and cobblers then do a little fishing while Nancy heads out with friend Mechelle to the red neck chicken auction in Wilkesboro. Should be a real experience for her, hope she doesn't take up dipping while there. LATER