Monday, July 12, 2010


Wow was it a different day weather wise from last week, I don't believe it got over 70 all day long especially with rain and fog throughout the day. After our quiet times and lite breakfast I did a check around for deer damage and pulled a few zuchinni squash as well as some cukes. The garden is starting to produce a little especially since we've had rain.

We got in a morning hike and I decided to help an elderly friend on top of the mountain to get his wood in for the winter but once I got there the rain became so heavy I had to quit. I'll try another day as it rained about .6 tenths of an inch throughout the day. After a lunch of a fresh salad we made 10 jars of wineberry jelly that we picked from the bushes in our yards. After that clean up I read for a couple hours before picking some fresh Swiss Chard for supper. That along with new spuds and smoked chicken made for a tasty supper.

Afterwards we headed down to Jodi and Gerald's to play cards and the girls once again beat us guys in 2 games of spades and 1 game of hearts. It was the girls night once again to win. Well its late and we are supposed to pick wild black berries tomorrow over at our "mountain moms" field. LATER

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