Saturday, July 31, 2010


Well, where did the week go?? It's been run here and there with lots of doctor visits, grocery shopping and visits to the gym. I'm keeping somewhat limber and trying to hold down the "spare tire" with daily workouts on the elliptical. We are only allowed to use the gym for pickle ball 2 days a week as the kids have summer camp there until school starts then we can get back to playing 5 days a week. After my quiet time and a bowl of fruit for breakfast I headed out on the bike to the rec for a workout. Afterwards I pulled the rest of the weeds in the garden as I'm keeping it free and clean for my fall garden, of course that won't happen until the last of October.

I took out the smoker and got it ready to put 2 whole chickens in around 1 PM for"Bud in the butt"chicken at supper tonight. We were having Nancy's brother Eric and his 2 boy's Evan and Pat along with a family friend John who drove them down from Michigan as well as Pap, GG and Bobby, Jill and Annsley and Amy, Tyler, Ava and Samuel. What a house full but the food was excellent and the chatter was endless. Pap(Nancy's dad) seemed to really enjoy himself and looked well except for the swellings. All stayed until after the ball game where the Ray's beat the Yankee's 3-2. Evan and Pat stayed the night at our house.

Well not much else is happenings except I'm sure we will be getting together again this evening for dinner at our place. Its been non stop fixing meals just hope I can get to the rec each day to work it off. LATER

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