Saturday, July 17, 2010


Well this morning brought us warm temp's and cloudy skies but no real rain. There were a couple sun showers a couple times during the day but only enough to briefly settle the dust. After our quiet times and a lite breakfast I headed out to check on the gardens and pick wine berries.

Nancy had a late night Friday night as she went down to Wilkesboro with friend Mechelle to the red neck chicken auction, actually they sold goats, turkeys, duck, peacocks, bunnies and chickens plus whatever you couldn't sell at a garage sale. There were hundreds of chickens for sale and she was amazed at how many people came for such a sale. It was close to midnight when she got home and wired after the ride back up the mountain. I think she enjoyed seeing another side of the country life of "mountain folk."

Around mid morning we took off on our hike but got to the top of the back trail and a sun shower ran us back to the cabin just as we got down the mountain it stopped and the sun brightened up so we took the golf cart and went visiting. We stopped and talked with Shirley for awhile as she was up with grand daughter Josie and one of her friends for just 2 nights. After leaving her place we drove up the back road to the top of our road then left the golf cart and hiked the rest of the way for our normal hike and picked the cart up on the way back down before heading home for lunch.

After lunch I got out the wild black berries and wine berries and we made 2 batches of jelly. It took us just a couple hours to do both even with the cleanup, we are getting good at this as this was our fifth batch of jelly this summer. I think we are jellied out and I had enough black berries to freeze 2 bags for cobbler for a later date. We just chilled until it was time to head over to the Luffman's for supper and Sequence. Kay had lots of fresh veggies out of the garden as well as hamburgers and warm fresh peach cobbler with ice cream for dessert. YUMM!! good eatin!!!

Well the guys finally broke the gals string of victories this summer with a convincing win of 5-3 and tons of laughter. It was a great evening of food and fellowship and to top it off the Ray's beat the Yankees as well. LATER

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