Thursday, October 23, 2008

Great News For Nancy

Well as I mentioned in my earlier blog I had Nancy at the Imaging Center by 8:30 AM for a cat-scan. We were told it would be Monday before we heard anything; but the phone rang just after 4 PM and it was the nurse from the doctors office. Initially we were stunned thinking only the worse because of the quick response. The nurse informed Nancy there were no problems except she had evident of sigmoid diverticulosis(pockets in the colon that can become inflamed)at this time there was no inflamation. This disease can be treated or maintained with proper diet, plenty of fluids and exercise. There was no explanation for the burning during urination however his procedure of flushing the bladder took care of the problem or it was an answer to prayer. Thanks to all who remembered her in their prayers. Nancy hasn't had a problem since.

Amy and Ava came by and Grandma Nancy made her famous chocolate chip cookies with walnuts. Enclosed are a few pics of them sharing that special moment. Later!!!


farmrgurl said...

Praise the Lord! He answers our prayers!
Love Ya,
Dalton Gang

Jodi said...
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Jodi said...

Glad Nancy is OK!

You are making me jealous with that tangerine tree! YUM!!!

The cabin is coming together. This week Gary painted the basement floor and walled in the bathroom down there.

I'll send some pictures later.