Monday, September 1, 2008

Yard Work,Packing and Labor Day Picnic at Dan and Carols

Well it was a sleep in morning today(as I never sleep the night before traveling) as we will be heading back to N.C. in the early AM on Tuesday. After our quiet time we had those delicious buckwheat pancakes for breakfast.

I had some yard and garden work to catch up on and man was it hot and humid. I was drenched in no time.

We are packing now so I will be away for a day and hopefully will be back on line Tuesday night at the earliest. Hopefully we will stay away from all the storms on Tuesday. I believe we can still use some rain in the western areas of N.C. and hopefully Hanna may help us get out of that situation as the projections look like by the end of the week she may be heading our way. Hopefully just rain and no destructive winds. We are glad to hear that Gustav doesn't appear as devastating as Katrina, however our thoughts and prayers are with those who have been evacuated from the Gulf Coast.

Later missing our kids and grand kids, Ava and Annsley, also N.C. friends warm up the domino's.

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