Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Monday was Breezy, Dry Air and Guests for Supper

Well since I didn't write last night after Eddie and Kimberley left, here it is this AM. Monday was a day you dream about in Florida 9 months of the year. The sunshine was bright, skies were blue, a mild breeze and dry air. It felt like fall in the shaded areas and a spring day in the sun.

After a call from Bobby around 8 AM(we were still in bed, we just love retirement) we did our few moments with the Creator and then Nancy created a masterpiece for breakfast. Breakfast burritos Yummm!!!! and more Yummmm!!!! Almost as good as buckwheat pancakes with a banana in the batter, but different textures and tastes. I love jalapeno peppers in mine and they are still producing in my garden as well our friend Joe. I took a bag of habaneros and jalapenos(mostly from Joe's garden) Sunday for a Mexican family who attend Cornerstone.

Nancy and I took a nice hour plus hike to the top and Pilot Mountain was clear as a bell(probably 50 miles away as the crow flies). In the woods the air was cool although the temps were in the low 70's and actually felt good to be in the sunlight. The beginning of fall, YEA!! We hope to be able to see our breath before returning to Florida in October and the heat and humidity, YUCK !!

Nancy and I took 2 whole chickens(defeathered of course) greased them us with oil, spices and I stuffed the cavities with fresh basil, rosemary then I inserted 2 beers in the rear and set them upright in the smoker. I had soaked some oak in water and placed them on the electric heating iron, closed the top and 4 hours later they were cooked around 5 PM. Our guests arrived at 5:30 and we were ready to eat. Nancy had a made some pan de campo(big biscuit in an iron skillet), along with a chocolate cream pie and a cinnamon cake. Kimberely made potato salad, cooked cabbage and tomato pie. Needless to say we ate away and then took leftovers to Ray and Audiene(neighbors) for their dinner as well. Actually they were invited but Audiene wasn't feeling up to par as she broke both of her leg bones in the ankle area. She is off to the surgeon in Elkin this afternoon so keep her in your prayers. We cheered her up with our food and warm fuzzy personalities.

After leaving The Todd's we came back and played Rook. A game neither Nancy and I had ever remember playing. I didn't take long until the boys whupped the girls best 2 out of 3 games. It wasn't quite as raucous as sequence(especially without Razor and Slide) but we still managed to have our moments(like when beating Hairy and Nasty).

Well the party broke up around 10 PM(the night was still young). I mentioned to Nancy we need to find younger friends that don't go to bed with the chickens(country for getting older, Jodi). Oh well it was a fun evening, we ate tooo much and the food was superb.

I watched the second half of Monday Night Football which was one of the better games and we turned in around midnight. Sometime during the night we were awakened by a steady down pour on the tin roof and it continues now as I update this journal. When our guests left around 10 PM the moon was full and beautiful, illuminating the whole back yard.

Well will close for now missing our families, especially kids and grand kids, Ava an Annsley.

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