Monday, September 22, 2008

Wow What a Weekend with New Song, Great Worship and Cool Mountain Temp's

Well I must say this has been a week to remember and I haven't been very diligent, posting to those who keep up with us regularly. I will try to be more punctual now that Nancy and I have a little less to do(that's subjective).

Well after lasts week day trip to Floyd its been a go here as well. We were getting ready this past week end for New Song, as were about 70 other Cornerstone volunteers. Friday started out the usual with our quiet time, hikes and checking on Audiene after her ankle surgery. Nancy cooked, baked and made food for Saturday at Cornerstone. It seemed now in the rear view mirror that everything was a blurr and where did the time go.

Saturday started with being at the church by 11 A M to drop off food and to help with the many chores to make this concert a success. We weren't to see our place again until nearly midnight.

The huge travel bus and trailer were in the parking lot with many of the band members and staff asleep as they had traveled from Ohio during the night after doing a concert. This band is on the road touring from 9-13 to 11-16-08 doing 20 concerts through the nation. Their website

Back to what we were doing. Several of the support staff already were downloading this trailer of equipment needed to put on a show; about 18,000 lbs of of lights, electronics, instruments, etc. It took hours to set up and break down but there was plenty of volunteers to assist and although it was tons of work and we all had fun and really enjoyed working with the band as well as with each other.

The concert was a success with many band members giving their personal testimonies as well as 68 people came forward to let Christ make a difference in their lives. There were about 500 + people in our building for the evening. It was a huge success for this community and for Cornerstone but most importantly for the Gospel of Christ.

When we came home we were so keyed up from the excitement that we couldn't sleep. We had to be back at Cornerstone on Sunday morning to work the nursery. We had 3 small children and 6 teenagers(they love to be in there with the little ones). After church we came home and crashed on the couch(I did) and watch a little football while Nancy baked a cake for our small group which met Sunday evening at The Crouse's House. After our small group we played domino's with the Crouse's and their neighbors John and Sandy. Girls one, Boys one so we all went home as winners, HA!!!. We got to bed near 11:30.

Our son, Bobby woke us up at 7:52 this A M and wondered why we were still in bed. We finally slept a little better. We are now gearing up for a week end visit from my youngest sister Dee, husband Mike, daughter Kelly and friend Collin and 1/2 cousin Martin. They will arrive sometime Friday evening for dinner and stay until after church and lunch on Sunday. So I will miss most of next week end from this keyboard.

Well the morning looks beautiful here with the sun coming over the treetops so it will be a busy day after our quiet time and breakfast of buckwheat pancakes with a banana in the batter(Dranielle). We will take over dinner for Audiene this week as she convalesces and meet with our friends the Dalton Gang on Thursday for dinner and domino's. So when will we have time to celebrate our 29 years together(today) which gave us 2 absolutely fantastic children and 2 precious grand daughters. Nancy and I are blessed.

Well hopefully all is caught up with the Happening's in the mountains(who said this place was boring). Missing all especially Ava and Annsley.


DJ & Jenny Carlson said...

Congratulations on 29 years! That is wonderful! God is good!

Love you guys,
the Carlsons

Jodi said...

Boy, I had a busy week too. Bunco at my house, which meant days of cleaning. Baseball with Gabriel. Cross country and piano with Courtland.

Missing you guys. Hope I can come up sometime before y'all leave!

Jodi said...

Oh, and I'm glad this batch of buckwheat flour wasn't infested with bugs. Although a little protein in the diet is a good thing...