Friday, September 12, 2008

Cool Wet Morning with lots of Fog, Trip to Dr. K's, Great Hike and Burned Some Brush

Well the morning was cool with a constant drizzle until about 10 AM when it finally quit although the fog hung around until the early evening. After our quiet time and breakfast which was supposed to be buckwheat pancakes, however let me explain, Dranielle. On our way home yesterday from Galax we stopped at a little market that always has ground buckwheat. Well we got a sack and when we opened it this morning it was full of weavils so needless to say we didn't have buckwheat pancakes with Helen's fresh pear preserves. We were so looking forward to those cakes with the Helen's preserves.

After we ate we got ready to head to town(Sparta) through the fog and overcast skies. About half way there we observed bright warm sunshine and clear blue skies. We made it to the Dr's office just before noon and Nancy pick up her paperwork for her Florida doctor and then we made a stop to buy some birthday cards. I sat in the truck while she shopped and it became rather hot while waiting for her. Well we got out of town by 12:30 and headed back towards the BRP when we observed a line of fog enveloping the mountain and our area. Needless to say we were socked in once again with fog, by the way our road is located off Foggy Mountain Road. Well we took the first of 2 hikes and did see the sun peeping through occasionally. After our hike we had a lite lunch of celery, apple and peanut butter.

I thought there was no better time than the present since we had 2 inches of rain over the past 2 days than to burn 2 large brush piles up in the woods behind the cabin. Nancy is paranoid about the possibility of me setting the woods on fire when I burn. It was all I could do to get the brush piles on fire, but eventually I did get them to burn.

Well I burned until nearly 4:30. Nancy walked around in the woods, took a few pictures while offering up her 2 cents every now and then. We decided to finish the veggi soup along with a salad for dinner. We sat around and watched the local news til about 7 PM then took a short hike over to Ray and Audiene's. We stayed until almost dark then walked back through the woods.

The fire has nearly died out and most of the debris(sticks and stumps) burned up. The insects have begun to serenade us with their night time symphony and the evening air has warmed up from this morning cool 50's. Well the day turned out to be very nice in the later evening with bright sunshine and the orange sunset was spectacular. The rain and fog of the past 2 days where much appreciated and life giving to this drought stricken area. Hopefully our water levels are back to near normal with the 2+ inches we received. The new grass seeds I planted about 5-6 days ago have sprouted an are a lush green.

Well will close for now missing our kids and grand kids, Ava and Annsley

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