Monday, September 29, 2008

A Beautiful Day, A Great Hike and a Visit from Neighbors

Monday brought a cool damp morning but with the promise of blue skies and bright sunshine. After our quiet time and a lite breakfast of fruit I got a load of towels onto the clothesline. I then began to haul dirt and load up the wine berry bushes with a fresh layer of nutrients so hopefully next year the berries will be abundant. The new grass is up and seems to be doing nicely especially with all the latest rain.

We got in a great hike to the top of the mountain and the view was great. We visited with Fred for a moment and he is just about finished with the construction on his new house. He is planning on moving in around the 10th of October(day after we leave for Florida). We hiked down through the devastated area and stopped for a visit with Audiene. She seems a little better and is slowly get acclimated with being incapacitated. We are taking dinner over for them on Wednesday evening. They have received lots of food and slowly her appetite is returning back to normal.

Well I chopped lots of exposed roots in the back yard as the heavy rain run off caused them to surface. While working in the back yard our neighbors Joe and Jetta came down from the top of the mountain for their first visit to our cabin. They seemed very impressed with our cabin as well as the yard and many gardens. They stayed for over an hour and visited until our friends Andy and Caleb Dalton came by to bow hunt for those fat deer in our woods. The feller's didn't see any to shoot but the deer ate most all of the apples we put out yesterday evening.

We cleaned up some leftover spaghetti sauce and salad from Friday night. Boy was it good. Well we are trying to get in our last visits with friends and neighbors these next few days before heading back to HOT Florida. Its supposed to be in the 30's by Thursday which should really bring out the colors.

Well will close for now missing our family and especially grand daughters Ava and Annsley.

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