Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Beautiful Day with Cool Morning, Shelled Lima Beans, 2 Hikes and Mowed the Yards

It was a cool brisk 44 degrees this AM. The day started out with our usual quiet time and a lite breakfast. We actually got out of the sack(bed) before 8 AM. The sun was just coming over the mountain and one could see the bright sunlight through the trees. Nancy had the oven on to take the chill out of the cabin. I put up a curtain between the upstairs which will help hold the heat downstairs during the night. Tomorrow morning maybe the coolest morning yet.

After breakfast I watered the recently planted grass seeds and they are up after about 6 days. I noticed several fresh deer tracks in the back yard but saw no new damage, of course there isn't much to eat as they have just about ruined everything, thus far. I got a load of wash in and headed out to remove the several trash cans of horse manure still in the back of the truck I collected last evening. I then mixed this manure with the leaves, weeds, and vegetable discards into the compost pile so my earthworms will have a buffet this winter.

We got a great hike to the top of the mountain around 11 AM. Wow there was a brisk breeze on top and the air had definitely become dryer. Pilot Mountain stood out clear. After the hike we had a lite lunch of left over flank steak on pita bread and chips and the last 2 pieces of apple cake Nancy made for Sunday Night small group.

After eating we sat on the back porch in the warm sunlight shelling lima beans that Kimberly had given us last night. They were speckled and very pretty. We ate them for dinner and shelled the rest for Ray and Audiene. Audiene is still recuperating from her surgery. She is having to keep her foot elevated and is having a hard time coping with being immobile. Ray is back to the heart doctor on Thursday. Nancy took the GC for a visit with them and then on to the top of the mountain for some pictures. I gathered about 12 large trash can full of leaves to be mulched for my garden.

When Nancy returned I had to replace the battery back into the riding mower so I could mow the yard. It took us about an hour to do both yards where before it was about 3 hours; plus I got to ride for most of it. I grilled marinated chicken breast for dinner and Nancy took most of my nickle size spuds and boiled them up along with a pot of fresh shelled lima beans, YUMMM!!! After dinner we took another hike to the top and ran into Helen who was walking with her daughter's friend, Carl from Washington State. The sunset was beautiful and the coolness in the air was evident on your bare arms and ears by the time we got back to the warm cabin.

Well another day has slipped right on by and we only have 2 more weeks before we head back to sunny Florida. This next week end will be our last for company so we will purchase items at Wal-Mart tomorrow to winterize the cabin. Until later missing our family and grand daughters Ava and Annsley.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

We had speckled butter beans for dinner last night, too! Made a pan of cornbread to go with. Yummy good. Then off to Gabriel's baseball game. THREE games this week! But tonight might be rained out. One can hope...

Thanks for putting up the pic of Gimpy. Tell her we're thinking of her.