Monday, October 5, 2009

Saturday on Monday

Well I'm writing this post late for many reasons but mainly so I can let my grandchildren see what great neighborhood get together's are like. Hopefully there will be plenty as they grow and eventually have get together's of their own. It would be wonderful if they as adults carry on this tradition started by Grant and Shirley Heglar at their mountain cabin called Two Pines.

The morning started out with temps in the 50's and eventually warmed to the 60's. It was a beautiful day, bright sunshine and that deep blue Carolina sky. A super day for hanging out clothes on the clothesline, hiking and later a wienie roast. Nancy and I hiked to the top of the mountain and had a short visit with Norm. We made arrangements to pick up our weekly dozen of free range brown eggs next Tuesday. We came back and had a lite lunch as we knew there would be a ton of good home cooked food; and we were right.
We headed out around 4:30 and rode the golf cart down. There were cars lined up along the road for nearly a 1/4 mile. We were able to slip in close to all the cooking areas. Neighbor Gerald had a big pot of fish chowder cooking which turned out to be very good. He drops whole uncooked eggs into the liquid which creates weird figures as it cooks. This turns Nancy off but doesn't change the taste. This has become one of the food highlights especially for the men. We don't care what it looks like as long as it tastes good going down. Everyone was supposed to bring their own dogs and buns plus a dish or dessert. All the dishes were great and some desserts where just outstanding. I would guestimate including tons of children close to 200 plus were there. We started eating around 5:30 and that lasted until all had their fill while the gospel singers entertained us.Some passed the football, threw beans bags in little square holes, swung over the small creek and just sat around catching up on the latest. It started to get rather chilly around 7:30 as the temps began to drop by the creek which runs under their deck.

We decided since it was getting rather chilly it was time to say our goodbye's and see ya' next year that we would head back to the cabin and play some Spades with Gerald and Jodi. My did that warm cabin feel good. Well we played a single game that lasted nearly an hour and a half with the boys going nil 5 times and only making it once. The girls eventually won the game but only after once again we failed to make our bid. It was another raucous game with lots laughs
It was 44 degrees when we pulled out at 6 AM for Florida on Sunday morning. We had a smooth uneventful trip the whole way. We could tell it was a full moon the night before as the interstate was littered dead deer bodies. We must have seen 8-10 killed deer and one large buck in S. Carolina. We hit the Florida line around noon and the temps were hitting 94-95, Yikes that was a huge change from what we had grown accustomed to the past few days.

Well it was great to visit with Nancy's folks on the way in and to later have supper with Ava and her folks. We are having the whole gang here to night to celebrate Tyler's birthday with his choice of dinner. This is a tradition in our family. Thursday night the gang is coming here again for G/G's birthday(82) dinner and the theme is Mexican food. Every night we have something planned so should be a short week.

I got up with the alarm at 7 AM for pickle ball and one person wanted to come at 7 AM. No way for me, 8 will do. I got in 2 good hours with about 8 players or more at times this AM. A good wet shirt,but I really had a wet shirt working in the yard later. Man is it humid here. Well better go, LATER.

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