Sunday, October 11, 2009

Saturday and Sunday

Where did this past week go?? Saturday started out as another unbelievably HOT day. At least I got to sleep in until 8 AM for a change, after all the pickle ball this week with play which began at 8 AM everyday had me looking forward to a morning off. Nancy and I knew we wouldn't be home until late Saturday night so we basically had to get ready to leave on Saturday for our planned 6 AM departure on Sunday. We had a lite breakfast after our quiet times as we knew later in the evening Bobby was planning a family dinner at his house after the birthday party for Annsley at the park.

The party was a success with several kiddies and their parents. The party was held outside at the park where Annsley and her dad go every Friday. Luckily the playground is totally shaded with monster oak trees that helped to keep us from sun stroke. I have never in all my years of Florida living seen the temp's this hot in October. At least it didn't rain and the little ones didn't seem to be bothered by the extreme humidity. Annsley and her friends had a grand time finger painting as well as playing on all the playground equipment.
We headed back to Bob's house to a meal of smoked Boston Butt, a unique and specially made cole slaw by the chef himself, potato casserole and chocolate cake with white icing. Nancy made a spinach dip which worked up our appetites. The dinner was excellent and we stayed and played until nearly 9 PM. Ava and Annsley played, bathed and just had a wonderful time together, especially with all of Annsley new birthday toys. We were pretty much packed on Saturday so we could enjoy the lateness of the evening with the family.

Nancy and I headed out around 6 AM this morning after getting up at 5 AM. It was so hot and humid at that hour with the temperature near 90. Unbelievable!!! Our trip was uneventful and we made excellent time. When we reached the top of the mountain after a grocery and gas stop in Elkin the temp had dropped to 58. After unloading the truck we headed to the top of the mountain for a hike. The sun was shinning brightly with blue skies. Wow did it ever feel good to stretch our legs after being in the truck for nearly 11 hours. We were amazed at the amount of fallen leaves that littered the ground. The trees were really starting to show their colors especially the gums, maples and oaks.

Well will close for now. We went from air conditioning in Florida to gas heat here in the cabin. Enclosed are a few pics from Saturday at the the park and later at Annsley's house as the girls entertained us.LATER

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