Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wednesday on Thursday

The morning air was a little warmer than had been the past week with a gentle breeze. After my quiet time, a lite breakfast of cereal and fruit and a check for squirrel damage I headed to the REC.on the 10-speed. I met up with 9 of our pickle ball players and we had a lively 2 hours of continuous play which resulted in a wet shirt. WOW our group of players are getting soooo much better with the play fast and furious.

I stopped at the library on the way home and picked up a couple of true crime(non-fiction) books and finished one called ERASED yesterday afternoon. I'm a speed reader and sometimes I do 2 books a day if I'm not interrupted with "honey-do" chores. After a lite lunch I gave our kitchen table(oak) a third coat of polyurethane then settled down outside in the back yard to read for about 4 1/2 hours. The air appeared to be getting warmer as the wind began to shift from a eastern to a southern flow, however I was under the big oak tree so I stayed cooled.

Amy and Ava picked me up at 4 PM and we headed to the church to help Nancy with getting the church dinner out by 5 PM. We served about 60 + people and had the place cleaned up by 6:30. When we came out of the fellowship hall the humidity hit us hard as the temp had risen to 82 and had stayed that way even as the sun had gone down. Needless to say the a/c went back on for the first time in about 2 weeks and its still on, probably until this week end went another cold front will head our way. I knew the cool dry temps were to good to last until next spring but oh well it was great for awhile.

This morning(Thursday) was pretty much the same, except for the hot and muggy temps. After our quiet time and a lite breakfast I headed to the Rec. on the bike and once again enjoyed 2+ good hours of pickle ball. Nancy walked to the Rec. and did her 30 minutes on the treadmill then walked home. Yea, I'm proud of her for walking and adding to her workout time as well.

Amy and Ava came for lunch then off they went to pick up G/Grandma Libby to go shopping. I will get a little garden work in as soon as the sun shifts over onto west garden and the east side is shaded. My son Bobby wrote me the funniest e-mail or at least I cried laughing went he noted I didn't know how to copy and paste but now have a face book page. I'm not sure how I got that face book account but lots of people want to be my friend so what the heck I love it. Missing my family and mountain friends, LATER.

1 comment:

DJ & Jenny Carlson said...

warm???? it is in the 40s and raining today. YUK! Still loving it though. Miss you guys - The Carlsons