Monday, November 10, 2008

Another beautiful 2 Days

Sunday dinner at grandma's was one of the best tasting and prepared roasts we had in quite a while. The top sirloin was medium rare with such tenderness you could cut it with a butter knife. The gravy from the dripping of the roast ladled over the smashed spuds was superb along with the baked spinach casserole and garden fresh salad. YEOW!!! What a feast! The dinner was prepared to celebrate the GAB(great aunt Betsy's) 54th birthday with coconut cake for dessert.
Ava entertained us all before and after the meal with her little antics and startling new vocabulary. She is learning so fast and is so cute.

We had a nice phone talk with Helen(our mountain adoptive mother) Sunday afternoon who indicated it was cold, damp and overcast in the mountains and didn't want to hear how warm, sunny and nice it was in Florida. I keep telling her to come down for a spell but she has decided to become a native once again to N.C. her birth state. She and Joe are doing well and manage to get off the mountain once a week to eat out. Brrr it's hard to believe its that cold already and its not even Thanksgiving yet.

Monday brought a cool morning here as well as it was down in the low 50'; but with bright sunny skies and a warm up to the high 70's in the afternoon. After my quiet time and a fresh navel orange from the Botbyl's tree I headed to the REC. for some much needed exercise after all the rich chow we put away this week end. I got in 2 good hours of pickle ball and a few minutes of crunches for the abs before riding home on the bike. WOW was it beautiful with no humidity and a slight breeze. I then transplanted some broccoli, lettuce and cosmo flower seedlings. Amy and Ava came for lunch and then took off to Kohl's and Target for some Christmas shopping. Nancy and Amy are fixing 2 shoe boxes each filled with toys for needy kids around the world. This is a yearly occasion for our church and a worthwhile endeavor for kids who are in need.

While the girls were shopping I picked a few navel oranges from the top of the Botbyl tree with my fruit picker for them and me and then found out why my dill herb isn't doing well. Toooo much water!! Never would I have guessed that but the Internet says to back off on watering to a couple times a week whereas I was watering twice a day.

Nancy made a superb dinner(meatless) of penne pasta, fresh broccoli and fresh herbs(basil, oregano,parsley) from my garden with butter and garlic. YEOW was it ever delicious. I feel energized already. This morning I felt sluggish after all that red meat at dinner last night. Maybe there is something to cutting back a little on the red meat!! Well will close for now. LATER!!

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