Saturday, August 2, 2008

Tragedy in Sparta, Hike and Games in the Later Evening

Well Friday morning started out as our typical morning with cool breezes to greet us at 8 AM. After surveying all the gardens we found no deer damage. Our quiet time was great, especially with the use of Ron Hutchcraft Ministeries. He has a fantastic website for daily devotionals.

Nancy had a hair appointment at 11:30 on Friday morning so we were getting ready to head to Sparta. The girl(lady) who does pedicures Angela,(works at the hair salon) has been on our hearts for sometime and Nancy was praying that God would give her the words to inspire Angela about coming back to Church regularly. When Nancy arrived at the salon Angela had just moments before received word her husband was involved in a very bad accident and had been rendered unconscious. Angela was inconsolable and in a state of grief. Nancy along with 2 others girls had to now console her and pray with her about her husband. Little did Nancy know she would praying with Angela for the life of her husband. Her husband was airlifted to Bristol,Va. where his condition is very critical with a severe head injury. Please take the time to lift Dean and Angela up in prayer.

Needless to say when we left Sparta we felt such compassion for all of the ladies who work at this salon as 2 of them go to Church with us at Cornerstone. We called immediately our prayer chain leader and now have several people through the day and night praying for Dean's recovery. From what we learned initially he was not given any chance to survive but after surgery he has lapsed back into a coma yet his vital signs have stablized. We know God can do all things and we are praying for his recovery.

We came back from town and decided we needed to get some physical exercise so we took a long hike and speed walked the back road for about 2 1/2 miles. After our hike we caught up on a few chores and got ready for company as Jodi and Gerald's family was coming around 7 PM to play cards. We had eaten a big breakfast(buckwheat cakes, eggs and bacon) around 10AM so we weren't hungry until about 4:30 when we decided to eat an early dinner.

After dinner we read until our guests arrived then we played a game of Spades. The boy's whupped up on the girls again,Jodi. I must confess Jodi played her best came of hearts ever in the second game and won by a nose after coming from behind.

Well since it was late when our guests left and we had to help with the 4-H horse show early Sat. morning I skipped the blog on Friday night. Sat. morning we were in Sparta a little before 9 AM to assist in what ever way was needed. There were several entries and classes of horses and riders. It was a grand time and the horsemanship was superb. Congratulations to all the kids, leaders and supporters of this worthwhile endeavor for 4-H.

Well after getting back home around noon we had a bite of lunch and began to bake a cake(carrot) and a casserole(squash) for tomorrow's Church luncheon. We are having more quests tonight for domino's and cards. I think I will skip the blog late tonight and write it tomorrow, much like today. Well better go missing our families and especially grand kids Ava and Annsley.

1 comment:

farmrgurl said...

Thanks go out to the Tripletts. You were a great help out at the horse show. You really took a huge load off of us. Busy next year at horse show time????? :)