Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hikes(2) Trip to Dr.K's for Lipitor,to Cornerstone to take Angel Food Orders and Killing Yellow Jacket Bees

Well the day started out just fine with a mild morning and temps in the high 60's. There was no deer damage once again. After our quiet time we had BLT's for breakfast out on the deck. For a change they were great especially with smoked turkey bacon, home grown 'mater's and lettuce out of the garden.

We had to be at Cornerstone Christian Fellowship for a 3 PM appointment to take food orders so we worked our day around that commitment. I hand watered the gardens while Nancy got ready to hike.We took an hour plus hike and boy was it HOT, so we stayed in the shade of the back roads. We came across a yellow jacket's nest a couple of days ago in the middle of our path. It seems they have taken up residence in a chipmunk hole and buzz out as you walk by. Carson Todd (8yrs) got stung by them last week so I decided to wipe them out. I took an empty plastic drink bottle and put a rag inside and filled it about 1/3 full of gasoline. After dark I took a flashlight and found the hole in the path, unscrewed the cap and turned it upside in the hole. Perfect fit. The rag will help to keep the fumes there longer than just pouring gas down the hole. Tomorrow I will go by and remove the empty bottle and look for the next nest of these nasty buggers.

I got ahead of myself as that was the last memorable thing we did today, so back to the morning. After the hike we decided it would be best to eat our large meal at lunch as it would be nearly 7 PM before getting home from CCF. We had taken out some frozen salmon last night and along with some fresh basil pasta and a salad we had a dinner. YUMMMM!!! After lunch we got ready to leave the cabin and head to Sparta where we refilled Nancy's thyroid prescription, picked up Lipitor at Dr.K's and walked around town. I renewed my newspaper subscription(5 bucks off because I am now 62-tomorrow) and then we made some other purchases before heading out to CCF to take food orders. It was slow but several phone calls of interest.

While at CCF, Darren Woody came in and gave us the latest scoop on Dean(accident victim) as he knows Deans brother, Rickey. Well the news is this; he has regained consciousness and has even spoken. This is truly a gift from GOD and an answer to all of our prayers. He was given up on by the medical staff(told the family he wasn't gonna make it) on 3 separate times. Well its not amazing what GOD can do but amazing that his people don't take advantage of what HE can do. I know both Dean and Angela covet your prayers as he has a long way to go. Just a note of interest of how the men of CCF work. Dean was supposed to get in wood for winter after work for an older couple the day he was injured. Our men's group is going to take care of that need to not only bless this couple but to bless Dean as well. Kudos to Top Gun, CCF's men's group who want to make a difference in people's lives. Using CHRIST as their example of loving your neighbor as you would have them love you.

Well I hear the cicada's insect noise outside as its the time of the year when they are most loud and I think it marks the "dog days of summer." Summer is over for school age kids up here as the first day of classes starts tomorrow. Missing our family and friends and most of all, Ava and Annsley.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My name is Janice Still and i would like to show you my personal experience with Lipitor.

I am 56 years old. Have been on Lipitor for 2 years now. Lipitor worked great lowering cholesterol but the side effects are not worth the benefit.

I have experienced some of these side effects-
Achilles peritendonitis and sore ankles, knees and fingers. Stiffness was aggravated by rest and better with activity. After sitting for 15 minutes, particularly with feet elevated, and then getting up to walk, my gait was like someone who could barely walk. Have stopped taking Lipitor and symptoms seem to be subsiding.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Janice Still

Lipitor Side Effects