Monday, July 23, 2012


Well the morning started out at 6 AM as Nancy wanted to be on time for her trail ride with a group of cow pokes(guys and gals). After our quiet times we each made our own breakfast; she oatmeal, me an egg omelet with sauteed onions and green peppers with a bowl of grits as I was heading over to do some chainsaw work for our "mountain mom", Helen. Nancy headed out around 8:15 for the Dalton Farm and I soon followed her out the lane in the golf cart over to Helen's place.

I sawed down several Jack Oaks, black or scrub pines and dug out a couple stumps as well. I then started a couple brush piles on fire and we really had a smoke feast from all the green leaves as well as the pine limbs. It really got hot as we fed the fires and it wasn't long until my shirt was completely wet with sweat. We finally decided to call it a day around noon so I headed out on the golf cart for the cabin. It seemed a little cooler over on our mountain for some reason as most of the morning at Helen's was spent working out in the direct sunlight. I still had lots of shade at the cabin, especially on the gardens so I hoed around the corn, tomato's and peppers then fertilized them with some good chicken litter.

After shucking off the wet work clothes I headed down in the basement to cool down completely. Nancy still wasn't back so I finished up the leftover spaghetti sauce and green beans for lunch then decided to set on the back porch and chill. Well it seemed I read for a couple hours when I realized she wasn't back and it was close to 4PM. I was beginning to wander if maybe she got lost on the trail went I heard from her and all was well. There was a little horse drama on the trail with some of the new horses but no one was injured so all is well that ends well.

I snapped the 1/2 runner beans neighbor Jetta gave us a couple days ago and then I washed up some new potato's one of our church friends shared with us on Sunday from his 'tater patch so we had an all veggie supper. I did pick some radishes, kale, nasturtiums leaves and beet greens from the garden to go with the store bought lettuce and topped with a home grown tomato and cucumber for a supper salad, yikes was that ever good eatin' and especially for Nancy as she skipped lunch.

The temps were in the high 60's this morning and as the afternoon proceeded the cloud cover brought some minor rain showers but nothing major. The cloud cover kept the temps below 80 and made for some good reading conditions on the back porch, LATER

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