Saturday, May 23, 2009

Friday Night and Saturday Morning

Friday afternoon was a busy one after pickle ball and lunch. Amy and Ava came and stayed until it was time for her nap around 2 PM. By then I even needed a 15 minute snooze. The pickle ball was fast and furious with wet shirts every where. I surely will miss you guys and gals. All that loafing around after lunch is gonna change come next week, with a vegetable garden, flower gardens, lots of mowing, edging and general clean up to the mountain property after 7 months. I find doing that kind of busyness is a form of relaxation. I'm looking forward to the cool mornings, the loudness of the birds singing, quietness of being secluded in the woods and the scenery of trees, mountains and flowers. Most of what we see daily is GOD made.

The family dinner Friday evening to celebrate Amy's 26th birthday(was actually the 19th)was absolutely delicious with 2 roast chickens, smashed potato's and gravy, dry stuffing, broccoli casserole, corn, salad and Nancy's superb chocolate cake with white icing. We had a house full and to top off the evening we cheered the Ray's to a 15-2 victory over state rivals the Florida Marlins. After all left around 9:30 we did a few clean up duties, showered then hit the hay for a pretty good sleep. Usually I'm so keyed up about heading north I sleep very little for the last couple of nights before heading out. Maybe the sound of rain on the roof helped to put me to sleep. Wow we sure have been getting our share of rain this week after many weeks of no rain at all.

This morning, Saturday found we wide awake around 6 AM with lots of chores to do before we head to Amy's for dinner around 4. She is cooking her famous spaghetti and meatballs(G/G's recipe) for us. We will get our last little bit of time with them for almost 2 months as we plan on coming back to Florida the end of July for a wedding and some grand daughter time. Those girls sure were cute together last night and each looked out for the other. We are thankful they live close enough they get to visit each other a couple times a month.
Well I've just about got everything ready to load,the last of the cleaning chores and items to take with us; so that after dinner we can rest until its a 3 AM wake up(I usually don't sleep a wink) and a 4:30 AM pull out. We will really miss all of our family, friends and church families. We hope to see many of you this summer as we have several on the calendar for a mountain visit. I'm looking forward to heading up to the Shenandoah Valley to visit with my relatives in that neck of the woods this summer as well. All take Care, LATER.

I will be away from this keyboard for at least a couple days.

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