Saturday, April 21, 2012


Well it was another typical summer like Florida day with rain clouds, bright sunshine and high humidity. It can go from overcast with threatening storm clouds to brilliant sunshine within minutes and that was the case much of the day. The morning started with Chester crowing around 5 then the roofer came about 6 to start the tar kettle. I'm sure glad they got the flat rood covered and tared before this weather system comes in the weekend which is supposed to bring in heavy rain and storms. They took off after lunch and left the front shingle area with just the under membrane exposed for the week-end. I sure hope they know what they are doing as I don't want to have rain water dripping into the house again. I'm disappointed in their work and attitude and will not use them again, oh well!!

After my quiet time I rode out to the rec for a couple hours of pickle ball. We had a nice crowd of good players but a few of the beginners did come for the last hour or so which changes the play. There were a few wet shirts and by 10 AM I was ready to call it a week of play. I stopped off at the library for a couple reads for the week end. I got interested in the the sinking of the Titanic which occurred this month of April 100 years ago. Wow what a story behind the story of the ship that was unsinkable. There are a couple great reads about that tragedy and the one titled; TITANIC;THE LAST NIGHT OF A SMALL TOWN by Welshman is the best I've ever read. Walter Lord has a good book as well but Welshman is superb.

Amy and Sam came for lunch and after they left to pick up Ava from her picnic with her schoolmates Nancy and I headed over to pick up GG and take her to Sams with us. We filled up and gad has dropped from $3.95 to $3.67 in over a week. It would be nice if it continued to drop in price as we make plans to head north in less than a month. We came back and read until it was time to get ready for Ava and Sam who were coming for supper and then we were watching them until after Amy and Tyler got back from the Rays game. It was a good game and one we should have won as we were ahead 4-2 in the 8th and then some bad pitching caused us to lose 5-4. Sam and Ava were so cute and stayed up until nearly 9:30. It was nearly 11 before the kids got home so we headed out, luckily I had already had my shower so I hit the sack and was out by the time Nancy got into bed. Tomorrow was supposed to be a beach day but that depends on the weather, LATER

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