Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Well it was another beautiful day with temps in the low 80's in the afternoon but the morning was rather cool with the high 60's. We got a late start as the kiddos slept in until nearly 8. After my quiet time I headed out to fry some sausage patty's on the grill and then Bobby made an excellent sausage gravy while Nancy had great biscuits baking in the oven. Yikes was that ever a great way to start the day and it held me all day until we made supper around 5 PM.

After the breakfast clean up we got ready and headed over to Helens(mountain mom" for a visit. She really enjoyed seeing Bobby and his family and we stayed for a 1/2 hour or more before heading back to the cabin. Bob and Jill took off for a lunch date into Galax and we took the kiddos home so they could have a bite of lunch. After lunch we took the kiddos to the top of the mountain on the golf cart so they could play with Zeke and to visit with Jetta. Afterwards we headed across the top and saw our friends John and Shirley so we stopped and visited with them for awhile before heading back to the cabin. Gabe was showing signs of needing a nap so I gave him a bottle and rocked him for just a few minutes before he was out. He slept nearly 2 hours. Bob and Jill got back around 4 PM and then we got ready for supper. I did some beer batter Swaii fish, my was that ever good eatin' along with yellow rice, brocolli and a salad.

After the clean up we headed over to the Dalton far where the kiddos played with their doggies, chickens and then pet some horses and actually rode Poco the quarter horse. Bob, Nancy Gabriel and Annsley all rode him for a couple minutes and it was the first Gabe had ever been on a horse. They really had a good time and many thanks to the Dalton gang for being so hospitable. We got back to the cabin just before dark and the kiddos did the tubby time before calling it a night.

We decided to play some Sequence and Nancy and I played the kids and beat them 2 in a row then Bob and I challenged the girls and they won the next 4 out of 7 so they were the big bragging winners, oh well!!! LATER

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